7 Tips to Overcome Mommy Anger God’s Way

I’m honored to have my friend Ruthie sharing on the blog today about something all moms deal with to some degree or another: mommy anger.

Ruthie went to WAR on anger and developed a biblically solid strategy for dealing with it in her life. Now, she mentors other moms in the trenches and is dearly loved by those who look to her for biblical advice. It’s a joy to have her here today.

Gotta say this one last thing… there’s a verse in Proverbs that says, “Buy the truth and sell it not.” The wisdom in Ruthie’s book is worthy of securing and holding fast to. It’s hard won and truly priceless. Read her story and see if you don’t agree…


All moms know children flip our switches in three specific areas: disobedience, tantrums, and messing up our plans for the rest of infinity.

(Like this morning when you were late to the dentist because your kid refused to wear the Captain America shirt he was in love with last week. You finally gave up and took him in his Mickey Mouse pajamas.)

Becky was one such mom. She lost her cool every time her six-year-old picked on his younger brother. Streaming tears, purple goose eggs, and bloody noses punctuated a regular day at Becky’s house. And that didn’t include the stress of leaving home. No matter their destination–church, school, or karate class, he delayed the process by dragging his feet, forgetting his shoes, or insisting he didn’t need to wear pants.

(All moms of sons can relate. It’s a gender issue.)

(It does not get better with time.)

Worst of all, dinner time seemed the magic hour for melt downs. Invariably, the kids complained about the food, spilled drinks, or broke out in elbow fights, “He’s sitting too close to my chair!”

{And all the mamas said, “UGH and AMEN”!!!}

Finally one night after a tearful scream fest, Becky decided she’d had enough. Life was too short to live in a constant state of frustration.

That was the moment Becky determined to make a change.


7 Ways to Overcome Mom Anger

Having set out to overcome mom anger, Becky had to own up to her choices. She knew she alone was responsible for her own reactions. Realizing this simple fact, Becky:


1.) Closely studied the subject of anger in Scripture.

2.) Began praying Scripture each day

3.) Bought out an accountability partner

4.) Realized she was not alone in her struggle

5.) Posted Scripture throughout her house

6.) Humbled herself and surrendered her ways to the Lord

7.) And believed God’s Word that He would change her


Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26, ESV


Dear mom, you can do this too. How can I be sure?

Because I know Becky personally. One day, she picked up the  ebook, Count to Nine; 9 Liberating Steps for Mom Frustration and Anger. In it, she found a comrade–another mom who understood Becky’s struggle because she’d been there herself.

That other mom was me, and I wrote Count to Nine to help overcome mom anger from a Biblical perspective. This ebook sets moms on the road to recovery, offering Scripture Pillars, Power-Packed Pillar Prayers, a Plan of Action, and much more.

How I overcame a life-long stronghold... and how you can too!


With Count to Nine, the Grunt Work is Done for You

In fact, numbers 1-3 of the tips above are already done for you in Count to Nine:

1.) Scripture passages on how to overcome mom anger

2.) Scripture prayers targeting anger (also included in the accompanying bonus journal)

3.) A thriving Facebook accountability group for moms


All that’s left is for you to roll up your sleeves and let God change you. Moms are tracking wins and overcoming anger by implementing Scripture, prayer, and accountability through these nine liberating steps.

Overcome mommy anger with these 9 biblical strategies

One mom’s dramatic change

If you strolled into Becky’s home today, you would find a completely different atmosphere. Sure, the kids still push their limits (they are, after all, kids). And wrestling matches remain commonplace (such is life with boys). She also still scrambles to get out the door on time with her little schedule disrupters (ahem).

But what you won’t find–the one thing that changed this family’s dynamic–is Becky’s bad attitude.

She no longer succumbs to anger but instead pauses to Count to Nine. Because whenever Becky feels her anger rising, she chooses to channel it toward positive reactions instead of negative instincts.

Does this happen one hundred percent of the time? Becky still slips up at times, but when that happens, she immediately seeks restoration and fellowship with the Lord and her children. Keeping short accounts and a direct line open with God are of utmost importance!


Five questions moms need to ask

Becky asked herself these same questions and the answer to each was a resounding yes. Take a moment to answer these five questions regarding your stress levels:


1.) Are you happy with your reactions?

2.) Do you want to change?

3.) What would you give up to change?

4.) Do you think God could change you?

5.) Are you ready to work toward change?


Dear mom, if you’ve bought into the lie that God can’t help you keep your cool, allow me to encourage you that He most certainly can and will! Even when it comes to not getting your list ticked off on time.


Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you. Jeremiah 32:17, ESV


You can do this, mom. God provides all the strength you need!


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13, NKJV


How did you answer the five questions? Would you like help to overcome mom anger? Click here for more information on how you can Count to Nine!


After experiencing guilt over mommy anger, I was determined to overcome this stronghold God's way. Here's the biblical process I used to defeat the sin of anger in my life.


Ruthie Gray is a wife, mom of four, Gigi, and caregiver, living in the sandwich generation and blogging to keep her sanity.  When she’s not snacking on plastic drumsticks with her grandson (The Tiny Tornado), or snuggling his sister (Baby Cakes), you can find her coaching other moms on how to capture joy while raising kids at her blog,  RearReleaseRegroup.com . Ruthie is also the author of Count to Nine; 9 Liberating Steps for Mom Frustration and Anger. You can connect with Ruthie on Facebook.

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